Look, See, Draw

I’m an artist living in Scotland. I’ll be popping the occasional bit of news on here and examples of my work. The site will get updated more in 2024!

You will be able to find some of my work for sale at www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Doricdragons

  • Let nothing go to waste

    When I make prints of my paintings it sometimes takes a few tries to get prints that are an accurate representation of the painting. I end up with prints that are pretty but that I can’t sell as they are.

    So this morning I decided to use these prints as covers for some little notebooks. I used fountain pen friendly paper, in a nice off white colour, in a decent weight. I hand stitched them, with a waxed linen thread, using chain stitch on the larger ones. I’m really pleased with how they turned out and they will be appearing in my Etsy shop very soon.

    Shout out to Ruth Laura Bolton of Shibui North for creating my lovely dragon pen, which you can see in the photos. It’s a beautiful thing and just one of many designs that she makes.

  • Flourish Fox

    I love doodling and drawing. I drew a fox using fountain pen flourishes and so many people said that they liked it I though that I should do something with it. So I’ve created a little stationery set with the flourished fox on each of the pages. 12 A5 sheets of paper and 12 grey, C6 envelopes, all packaged up in a sturdy C5 envelope, with string tie. Available in my Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1650540366/beautiful-fox-letter-writing-set